Thursday, June 9, 2016


RAISIN TOMATO N FISH JAFFLE. Toasted sandwiches are so easy to make on the Breville Original '74 Jaffle Maker! For the filling, fry a cup of chopped tomatoes until they are soft. Add in half a cup chopped onions, a big can of Ligo Premium Extra Hot Sardines, two tablespoons calamansi juice, and a tablespoon of muscovado or brown sugar. Add 3 eggs using low heat, gently stir until the whites are cooked, then turn off heat and finish that by breaking the yolks and cook that in the residual heat. Put two tablespoons in a pair of Gardenia Wheat Raisin sliced bread, and toast in the Breville (or any sandwich maker or pie iron). I strongly recommend the Breville Original 74 Jaffle Maker for this. Serve with Harvey Fresh milk.

Breville Original 1974 Jaffle Maker

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