Friday, June 10, 2016


GARLIC SPRING CHICKEN ADOBO. In a small pressure cooker, combine the following: 1.5 kilos chopped spring chicken, 150 ml cane vinegar, 100 ml soy sauce, 50 ml fish sauce (patis), 3 tbs brown sugar, 1 tbs peppercorns, and 200 ml water. Close the pressure cooker and place over high flame. When the pressure cooker starts to whistle/steam continuously, turn the flame down to low and continue cooking for 30 minutes. Remove pressure cooker from heat and place under running water. When the pressure locks are released, open it and mix in 2 tablespoons of grated fresh garlic. (Use a cheese grater to grate the garlic.)

Notes: Use fresh whole peppercorns, not crushed or powdered. Don't use an ordinary pot. The pressure cooker not only tenderizes the chicken, it also drives the adobo flavor deep into the chicken meat.

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